fiscal responsibility
Among the First Baptist Church of Midland Foundation’s fiduciary responsibilities to donors, none is more important than the prudent investment of assets. The Foundation’s current investment vehicle is HighGround Advisors which manages endowment funds of Baptist and other institutions and agencies so that they may be invested according to the needs of the client ministries we serve to further their own mission. The Board sets investment policy and oversees the performance of the investment. Preservation of endowment principal is a primary objective. Current income and long-term capital appreciation are equal objectives.
Christian estate stewardship and planning
The First Baptist Church of Midland Foundation makes it possible for each donor to participate in establishing an enduring legacy supporting the ministries of First Baptist Church of Midland, Texas, beyond his or her lifetime through various options.
capital gifts
Gifts of cash, real estate, stocks, bonds and other property may be given. Tax savings may apply.
planned giving
Planned, deferred gifts my be made by naming The First Baptist Church Midland Foundation as a designated beneficiary in your:
• Will
• Trust
• Gift Annuity
• Life Insurance Policy
• Annuity Contract
• Retirement Plan
The Foundation will assist you in establishing any of these deferred gifts. Please email [email protected] for assistance.
• Will
• Trust
• Gift Annuity
• Life Insurance Policy
• Annuity Contract
• Retirement Plan
The Foundation will assist you in establishing any of these deferred gifts. Please email [email protected] for assistance.
memorial and tribute gifts
Gifts may be made to honor a friend or family member during his or her lifetime, or may be made in memory of a friend or family member upon or following his or her passing.